DOS car sets are often downloaded as ".EXE" files (for example, "NASCAR96.EXE" or "PPG96.EXE"), which are usually Zip files (the DOS way of compressing files). So, the first step is to unzip the file. Stuffit Expander with Expander Enhancer can do it. If you don't have an application to unzip the file, check the Info-Mac archive for a shareware/freeware alternative. I am sure one exists. (You might search under the keyword "zip".)
The original .EXE file, when unzipped, usually consists of four files:
1. READ.ME ‹ from the creator ‹ this is not needed for the conversion, but make sure you send it along with the car set if you give it to someone else.
2. DRIVERS.TXT ‹ contains the default driver info from the standard NASCAR package ‹ this is not needed at all and may be trashed.
3. DRIVERS2.TXT ‹ contains the new driver info for the car set.
4. Finally, a ".DAT" file, such as "NASCAR96.DAT" or "PPG96.DAT" ‹ this contains the new car designs.
If you have at least the DRIVERS2.TXT file and the .DAT file, you can complete the conversion:
1. Using ResEdit, open the .DAT file (keeping a copy safe). ResEdit will ask if you want to add a resource fork to this file. Answer OK.
2. Create a new resource of type "TEXT". This is done by choosing "Create New Resource" under the "Resource" menu., then typing "TEXT" (in caps, without the quotes) into the edit field of the dialog, and clicking OK. An empty window will pop up.
3. Now, keeping ResEdit open, switch to the finder and open the DRIVER2.TXT file using SimpleText or any text editor.
4. Select all the text in DRIVERS2.TXT (you can hit Command-A to do this) and copy it to the Clipboard.
5. Next, switch to ResEdit and paste the text into the empty TEXT resource window. To do this, just make sure the empty TEXT window is in front and paste away.
6. Then, select the "Get Info for XXXX.DAT" command under the "File" menu (of course, instead of XXX.DAT, it will actually say "Get Info for NASCAR96.DAT", or whatever the file is called).
7a. For NASCAR car sets, type "Ncst" (without the quotes) into the "Type:" edit field (not the "File:" field), then type "Nasc" into the "Creator:" edit field. Type the words exactly, including capitalization as shown.
7b. For IndyCar Racing II car sets, type "CSet" (without the quotes) into the "Type:" edit field (not the "File:" field), then type "Ndcr" into the "Creator:" edit field. Type the words exactly, including capitalization as shown.
8. Next, quit ResEdit, answering "OK" to saving all these changes.
9. Finally, back in the Finder, rename the file to whatever you like. For example, instead of "NASCAR96.DAT", you could rename it "NASCAR 1996 Car Set" or whatever you wish.
To Use
Simply drop the car set file into the "car sets" folder ‹ it is in the "data" folder within the "NASCAR" or "IndyCar" game folder. Then fire up game and, under the "Options" menu, select the "Car Set" menu item. The new car set should appear in the list of car sets. Simply select it and you are done.
You will probably want to proceed to the "Driver Info" menu item (also under the "Options" menu) to change the first driver's data to reflect you and your car.
Converting Replays
NASCAR DOS replays can be converted simply by changing the file type to "Rply" and the creator to "Nasc".
IndyCar II DOS replays can be converted simply by changing the file type to "Rply" and the creator to "Ndcr".
Converting Setups (Car Settings)
NASCAR DOS setups can be converted by changing the file type to "Ngrg" and the creator to "Nasc".
IndyCar II DOS setups can be converted by changing the file type to "Garg" and the creator to "Ndcr".
Converting Individual Cars
Individual cars are usually distributed as .PCX files (which are actually just decal sets). While it is possible to use these decal sets to create new individual cars, it is cumbersome and the quality suffers in the conversion, resulting in the whole thing being not particularly worthwhile. At least, this has been my experience. If anyone knows of an easy, quality-maintaining way of converting decal sets from DOS, please email me at the address at the top.
If you discover an error in these instructions, please email me at the address shown at the top.